Students! We are responsible for collecting money for the Souper Bowl. The proceeds will go to Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach.
Please meet the leaders in the back of the Hall AFTER Communion. They will give you buckets for collecting. You will then be sent to one of the three exits and the vestibule. When you are finished--when people are gone--return to your leaders. They will collect the money, turn it into the rectory, and I will take it from there.
Freshmen: Saturday, 4 p.m. (Feb. 6)
Juniors: Sunday, 8 a.m. (Feb. 7)
Seniors: Sunday, 10 a.m. (Feb. 7)
Sophomores: Sunday, Noon (Feb. 7)
Try to attend the Mass listed for your grade. If you are unable, please let your leaders know, then whichever Mass you DO attend, please report to THOSE leaders. We need all hands on deck!
Thank you in advance for your hard work!